
Trademark Renewal

Can Trademark be renewed by paying the renewal fee?

But, it can be kept permanent by filing a trademark renewal application online or offline by paying necessary renewal fees every 10 years. This application has to be filed on or before 6 months from the date of expiration of the registration.

What happens if trademark is not renewed?

In the case of a person failing to renew a trademark, the registrar will issue an advertisement in the Trademark Journal indicating the removal of the trademark. After the period of the ten years if the trademark is not renewed the person still has the option of restoration, which means renewal itself but with a fine.

When must a trademark be renewed?

ten years

Renewing Your Trademark Registration. Separately from the requirement to declare continued use of your trademark, you must renew the registration. This is done every ten years. The renewal is more expensive-the current government fee is $300 for each class of goods or services.

What happens when trademark expires?

If you let your trademark expire, you leave it open for another company or user to register and use it. If the products or services are different than yours, the other company may have an easier time acquiring your trademark.